
Artist Statement
Stephan Ruigrok (1966) is a visual artist who lives and works in The Hague, The Netherlands.
Ever since his study at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, he develops an impressive body of work as an expressionist painter and drawer.
Ruigrok: “Expressionism is my second name. Almost daily you can find me behind my easel. As a visual artist I look at the world, as an expressionist I give it shape”.
Stephan Ruigroks subjects vary between nature, the human being, abstract forms and still lives of ordinary things. He finds his inspiration in a variety of styles in the art history, such as the Middle Ages and Renaissance and especially in German Expressionism from early 20th Century. Artists like Max Beckman and Otto Dix inspire him by their use of color, lines and composition.
But even more Stephan develops his own artistic language. From his academy years, he explores the artistic area where “Lüpertz and Asterix and Obelix meet”. And so very clearly you can recognize a partiality for the cartoon-like. Especially when he is painting and drawing people.
This cartoon-like side of Stephan can also be found in the local paper of his neighborhood, where he has a regular contribution with his comics. In these drawings he reflects on the human condition in a big city.
In his main body of work, we see how Stephan explores his artistic realm. Sometimes with a clear line and color, almost childlike. Sometimes with dark, expressive strokes, leaning towards the abstraction. Many times both techniques uniquely combining. He is interested in philosophical, literary and sometimes religious themes. These are often deeper layers in his paintings.
A remarkable project of the past years and of the present is his almost daily painting of a self-portrait: “I Today”. You can follow this journey of identity and existentialism on Instagram.
Seeing the paintings of Stephan Ruigrok is an encounter with a quirky, slightly cynical artist, full of humanity. They make you question what the art of painting is all about.
Grady van den Bosch
Art Educator and Artist
1989 – 1994
Autonomous Painting
at Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam,
with a minor in Illustration
2023 – 2026
Theological education
1994 – present
Visual Artist at Stephan Ruigrok
Cartoonist at KRA
2007 – Present
Professionally arranging exhibitions at Pulchri Studio in The Hague
2003 – 2004
Etalage in Beweging/Showcase in Motion:
the co-organisation of the variable exhibiting
of a duo of artists in the window of The Art Circle of The Hague
(Featured in NRC – a national newspaper)
1995 – 1999
Teaching art at Foundation Atelier 96 (co-founder),
in The hague,
and other projects concerning art participation
Member of The Art Circle of The Hague – Haagse Kunstkring
A number of exhibitions with STROOM The Hague,
regular exhibitions at Art Circle of The Hague
and at diverse institutions
Several years represented by Artgallery Ton Warndorff in Haarlem
Stipend by STROOM The Hague