Collaborations with artist Grady van den Bosch

Flappie & Toeter
As a duo my girlfriend Grady van den Bosch and I develop art projects like interventions, comments, visuals etc., characterized by light satire. You can follow us on Instagram: flappie_en_toeter and you can visit our website for projects, information and news. The website is in Dutch.
The swaying of the grasses (Ida Gerhardt)
En plein air project. The surrounding landscape of a tiny house in the countryside in Ermelo, was the inspiration for a small series of landscape art: drawings and paintings. A collaboration with Grady van den Bosch. The title of the project is part of a poem by Dutch poet Ida Gerhardt.
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Project Lent 2024
A daily drawing at Psalm 119, in collaboration with Grady van den Bosch.
View 18 sets of drawings >>
Project Advent 2024
A weekly artwork with the names of Jesus, mentionted in Isaiah 9. We combined the artworks digitally into new artworks.